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Her nightmares!

My wife once woke up with a jerk and told me that she had a nightmare. "What was it, baby?" I tended to her at once.  "I had a lot of packages and could not return them as the return date had passed." She had told me. And I could not have loved her more in that moment, thinking about the innocence of her thoughts.
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Six months already 😄

Six months of being married, Close to six years of relationship, Even more years of knowing each other, The numbers will only grow 💕 We have laughed together, cried together (mostly you though - because I'm dead inside 😛), traveled together, and what not! I could not have asked for a better partner in all my crimes. Thank you, love. For being with me through my thick and thin, for helping me stand up whenever I fell down. And I promise to do the same for you. #kavinav ❤️

Little things

  "Have a great day, baby." She would say. "You too have an amazing day, love" He would respond. It might seem trivial but these words would set him up for the day. He believed in them so much that he would not, or rather, could not start his day without these words.